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7 DAY SALES challenge

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£77 / $110

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Think....You. Me. 7 Days. Profit.

Do you know during the early months of this COVID lockdown I have made five figure months through African business? Multiple five figures a month!

African business is profitable, but you need to understand the ways to make that happen, in particular how to sell - so you can do this on repeat.

And that’s what I want to teach you.

Starting November 23rd for 7 days I will take you through rigorous training teaching you how to build, create, convert and communicate the sales of a low price offer you have. You will never again be able to say you do not know how to make money. Yes even in a lockdown you can do this.

Let me show you in just 7 days and join my community in my free membership club who have done it already!


First aspect is having a product to sell. We will map this out and build a product that solves a problem and will have the sales page training to go with this so you can start to attract your ideal customer over and over.


Nurturing is part of conversions and the sales funnel journey. We want customers to buy and building relationships that speaks to them and solves problems comes from products you offer and the process you take them on.


Every line of copy must reflect your brand, tone, voice, and brand is key. So we will map out all your content so you can call out, court and cherish your customers taking them on a journey for sales ongoing after the challenge


Gain FREE access to my membership club theFAMILY for 7 days as a bonus. Access the previous videos, Join the private group sessions and get 7 days of practical LIVE sales trainings.

A must do challenge! Sign up today

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Order Summary
7 DAY SALES challenge